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Number of Achievements of the Faculty Economics and Business


Program Targets Table
Program Achievement Table
No Program Goals Performance Indicators Target Achieved Achievement (%)
1 Improving the quality of learning and student affairs Number of student entrepreneurs 60 66 90.91%
Percentage of graduates with competency and professional certificates 70 162 43.21%
Percentage of programs accredited A 7 6 116.67%
Number of outstanding students 50 57 87.72%
Percentage of graduates employed immediately 75 185 40.54%
2 Enhancing the relevance, quality, and quantity of human resources Percentage of lecturers with doctoral degrees 32.62 40 81.55%
Percentage of certified lecturers 81.03 0 0%
Percentage of lecturers with associate professor rank 27.36 24 113.99%
Percentage of lecturers with professor rank 5.2 4 130%
3 Increasing the relevance and productivity of research and development Number of international publications 59 64 92.19%
Number of registered intellectual property rights 24 24 100%
Number of scientific citations 150 513 29.24%
Number of nationally indexed reputable journals 3 3 100%
4 Establishing good governance Financial statement opinion by public auditors Unqualified Unqualified 100%
Percentage of follow-up to audit findings - - -
Percentage of follow-up with financial value - - -

Facilities and Infrastructure


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